:warning: The code needs a ES2015+ polyfill to run (
), for instance regenerator-runtime/runtime.
First, require the polyfill at the entry point of your application
await import( 'regenerator-runtime/runtime.js' ) ;
// or
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime.js' ;
Then, import the library where needed
const functools = await import( '@functional-abstraction/functools' ) ;
// or
import * as functools from '@functional-abstraction/functools' ;
More examples in the test files.
let f = x => x + 1 ;
let g = x => 2 * x ;
let odd = compose( [ f , g ] ) ;
odd( 7 ) ; // 2 * 7 + 1 = 15
let j = ( a , b , c , x ) => a * x**2 + b * x + c ;
let p = partial( j , [ 5 , 4 , -1 ] ) ;
p( -1 ) ; // 5 - 4 - 1 = 0
let add = curry( ( x , y ) => x + y , 2 ) ;
add(2)(3) ; // 5